Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Money Money and more Money

This payday Sarah and I are doing something different. I've given her $100.00 to spend for her food for the next two weeks. That's basically $50.00 a week. My goal is to help her get a better understanding on spending money. Also give her some accountability with responsibility, not to mention some control over how she spends her money and what she eats.

The money is for food. So if we eat out together, she buys her meals. Also we are going to movies and although I pay for the movie, she has to buy her own snacks at the movie.

So far she has done an amazing job. She made out a menu for herself and then as we go shopping at different places she spends her money for what she wants. I've noticed her several times pick up an item and put it in the cart then before I know it she's putting it back.

I know this is going to be successful and If it works out well this payday we will do it again next payday.

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